Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association creates a newsletter periodically to keep our friends, supporters and followers up-to-date with the activities and events of the profile. It is delivered via our
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Mon, Aug 12 2024
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Wed, Jul 24 2024
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MAY 2024 Volume 2, Issue 1 |
Congratulations, qualifiers!
4 Qs (so far) earn invites to HI International in Nov.
What's the Deal's energetic performance earned a qualifying score for HI International this fall. |
Limitless dove into the theme of Harmony, Inc.'s Area 6 convention - "What Not to Wear" with gusto, turning in a crowd-pleasing performance that qualified them for an invitation to HI IC&C in November. |
Mix Dup won the MBHA Mixed Quartet trophy at the BHS Ontario District contest. |
Greetings everyone!
Spring has sprung. We are now into May and looking for great summer weather with golf, barbecues, and lots of singing!
Spring is also regional contest season for those who enjoy a bit of competition. MBHA quartets have been participating in both Harmony, Inc. and BHS spring contests. I love all that singing. Isn’t it great to get together and ring some chords and enjoy the performances of our friends? What a wonderful world.
In an exciting new development, MBHA quartets participating in the spring HI Area contests have the opportunity at HI AREA contests to qualify to compete at Harmony, Inc. International Contest and Convention (IC&C) in November. As of this writing, with three Areas still to hold their contests, FOUR MBHA quartets have qualified for IC&C. Congratulations to What’s the Deal, Limitless, Arranged Marriage, and Off-the-Cuff for qualifying so far. We hope you will be joined by other MBHA quartets from the remaining Area contests.
Congratulations also to Mix Dup who won the MBHA Mixed Quartet Contest at the BHS Ontario District contest. We hope any other MBHA quartets who participate at BHS District contests will let us know of their participation so we can recognize it. Since these contests have MBHA quartets participating for score and evaluation only, there is no scoresheet produced for them and we have no way of knowing unless you share with us. Please send your scoresheet to btowner@mixedbarbershop.org. We are a community and love to share our excitement.
In other news ...
- We will be holding our annual Virtual Festival this summer. Watch for details elsewhere in this update.
- MBHA will be participating at the World Harmony Showcase at the BHS convention this summer. Watch for the announcement from the World Harmony Council of performers at the show.
- Your Board is continuing to investigate opportunities for our members and would love to hear from you with suggestions and recommendations, and even more important, your help. We appreciate all of our members and our joint interest in singing mixed barbershop. Let us know how we can help you. If you can’t find what you want on our website, send us a note to info@mixedbarbershop.org and we’ll make every effort to help you.
- Our Annual Election of Board Directors will take place in August and we are looking for volunteers to put forward their names. Contact our nominating committee for more information and a simple nomination form.
Take care! Have Fun! Keep Singing! |
If the MBHA were to run an education program what would you most want to know about?
Are you interested in music, arrangements, coaching, how to start a chorus or quartet, what exactly is the best voice match? We are looking to start to add resources to our website and would like your input. Please email Angie Morton with your thoughts.
Did you know that we already have resources on our webpage? Check out https://mixedbarbershop.org/education/
Are you a coach or arranger who would like to have your name added to our list or resources on the MBHA website? Contact Angie for more details and to get your name added.
MBHA had a very successful education class at Harmony, Inc. International Convention & Contests this past November introducing Harmony, Inc. members to Mixed Barbershop. We would like an opportunity to offer this class in other Areas, Regions and Districts or Associations. If you happen to be the Education coordinator or know the Education coordinator in your Area, Region or District and think there may be an opportunity for this class, please contact me at amorton@mixedbarbershop.org. |